March 16, 2011

Garden Fresh!

My sister Nicole (Jill) with her doll
and me in my suit (1967ish)
My godmother was crazy, or so my parents tell me. I have no idea what ever happened to her, but I do know none of my siblings have godparents. Is this relevant to my story? I am not sure, but I suspect somehow it is, given what happened one lovely day in her garden.

My parents took Nicole (then Jill) and I to visit one afternoon. Nicole was too little, but I was a "big girl" and permitted to play outside with my godsister. We found our way to a huge vegetable garden and plunked ourselves down in the dirt. It was the mother-lode of food joy for me. Forget the sweet carrots. Skip the juicy cucumbers. From an early age I wanted onions, hot peppers, and horseradish. And here, in this garden, were fat, fresh onions. I wanted those.

While I sat munching on the onions still covered in rich dark crumbles of dirt, my friend was plucking fava beans fresh from the bush. After the onions I moved on to the fava beans. Clearly my friend's recommendations had swayed me. This was a good day for me. That didn't last, but you knew it wouldn't. We left my godmother's house. Next stop, the emergency room. I vaguely remember the hallway and someone rushing about. Stomach pump? Too late. The food was past my stomach. The only thing left was to take me home.

The worry was favism, or G6PD deficiency. Untreated and severe enough it leads to coma or death. It is a common deficiency in some parts of the world and is believed to protect against malaria, however there is one very specific food that must be avoided at all costs, fava beans (thus the name). My mother has G6PD as does my brother to some degree, but neither I, nor my sisters, have this (we may be carriers of course).

With death averted my parents were then free to quarantine me in my room. The favas were no longer an issue, but those onions were my downfall. According to my father the stench was unbearable. I took my meals on a folding TV tray for what seemed like days and days. Did any of this stop me? Nope. Less than a year later I was standing next to an Amish farmer just waiting for a taste of the fresh horseradish he was grating.

March 10, 2011

Better Than Bac-Os!

Photograph of a kitchen mandoline with a colander of whole potatoes and some sliced potatoes on the cutting board.
Mandoline photo from
This is a mandoline. According to Wikipedia "The item being sliced is normally held in a carrier to protect the cook's fingers." Notice that Martha Stewart's example in this picture shows a delicate grip, sans "carrier", grasping the cucumber. It looks easy and Martha even provides advice on other grips to use depending upon the size and shape of the food to be sliced.
My mandoline looked like this one and had a round, toothed carrier, kind of like an upside down plastic bed of nails. You just plunge it into the carrot, potato, or cabbage and you have an instant "handle' on your food. The point of course, is to keep all digits clear of the blade. It makes sense to have one, and even more sense to use one. But, I didn't.

Dinner was cooking and a salad was needed. What Joe got that night was neither sirloin tips nor asparagus tips. Finger tips were the blue plate special. 

Well, really, just one finger tip. My left ring finger tip (is there any irony in that?). It turns out that fingers are highly vascularized. You'd have thought I hit a main artery.  Nausea comes quickly in these cases. I refused to look. Half my finger had been cut off... Joe was going to have to bandage it and locate the missing piece. I sat down on the toilet, turned away, and held out my hand. Joe removed the paper towels, cleaned the finger, and carefully bandaged it. The trauma was too much for me so I lay down while Joe went to retrieve the finger tip from the salad. 

The next day I called in sick explaining that I had cut off a chunk of my finger. When I returned to work at Whitman Middle School, students stopped me in the hall. "Hey Mrs. G! Let's see your finger!" I held up the bandaged hand and put on a brave face.

Several bandages later Joe convinced me to look. I was prepared to find a flattened fingertip. Yes, I sliced my finger. Yes, I thought, I can live without a fingertip. I was ready. But the chunk I had imagined, the chunk that Joe picked from the salad, the chunk he recklessly tossed in the garbage.... that piece was no bigger than a grain of rice.

March 7, 2011

Forget About Tongue Lashings!

How is it possible that one person can:
  1. Bite her inner lip while talking and eating at the same time
  2. Bite her tongue while sleeping and have blood dripping down her chin
  3. Trip over her own pant legs while walking upstairs
All in one (1) day?